The Role of Developmental Leadership, Equity Sensitivity, and Team Member Exchange in Enhancing Organizational Citizenship Behavior with the Psychological Contract as Mediation (Study at Private College in Bogor, Indonesia)

Benedictus C. Prakoso , Pantja Djati , Agung Wahyu Handaru


This study aims to examine the relationship between developmental leadership (DL), Equity
Sensitivity (ES), team member exchange (TMX), psychological contracts (PC), and organizational
citizenship behavior (OCB) teachers at private high schools in Bogor, Indonesia. The data collection
technique used proportional random sampling of the permanent teaching staff with a total sample of 205
teaching staff. The data analysis technique uses structural equation modeling with the AMOS 18 program.
What is novel in this study is the use of developmental leadership and psychological contract variables in
measuring the extra behavior level of the teaching staff at private high schools in Bogor, Indonesia. In
addition to measuring the direct effect, this study aims to measure the effect of the indirect influence of
developmental leadership (DL), Equity Sensitivity (ES), and team member exchange (TMX) on
organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) with psychological contract (PC) as a mediating variable. Based
on the test results it is known that there is a significant influence between DL on psychological contract
(PC) and organizational citizenship behavior (OCB), team member (TMX) on psychological contract (PC)
and organizational citizenship behavior (OCB), as well as between psychological contract (PC) on
organizational citizenship behavior (OCB). Meanwhile, Equity Sensitivity (ES) does not affect
psychological contract (PC) and organizational citizenship behavior (OCB). The results of the study prove
that the psychological contract (PC) acts as a partial mediation between developmental leadership (DL) and
team members (TMX) on organizational citizenship behavior (OCB).


Developmental Leadership, Equity Sensitivity, Team Member Exchange, Psychological
Contract, Organizational Citizenship Behavior

  • Received:  20th May 2023
  • Accepted:  14th June 2023
  • Published: 17th June 2023