Vol 49. No. 12 (2022)
An Improved Approach Based on Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications
with a Noise Algorithm for Intrusion Detection
Shahneela Pitafi, Toni Anwar, Zubair Sharif
Dynamics System Model for the Optimization of Irrigation Water Allocation
Asmelita1, Lily Montarcih Limantara, Mohammad Bisri,Widandi Soetopo, Indra Farni
Indicators of Actively Open-Minded Thinking as One of the Cognitive Learning Outcomes for Gifted Programs in Al-Ahsa Region: An Evaluation Study
Rommel AlAli
Implementation of Environmental Monitoring Programs in Food Processing Plants in
Henry Reyes Pineda1, Jineth Esperanza Díaz Bustos,Julio César Luna Ramírez
The Impact of Counseling on Drug Adherence in Hypertensive Patients at Tertiary
Care Hospital in Larkana, Sindh
Sajid Ali1, Jaghat Ram, M. Hashim Kalwar, Asif Ali, Muhammad Siddique
Approximation Technique for Solving High-Order Non-Oscillatory Vibration Systems with Slowly Changing Coefficients Represented by Strong Non-Linearity and Multiple Integrated Roots
Nasir Uddin , Rezaul Karim , Sanjay Kumar Saha , Hasan Al Mamun , Shuvo Sarker , Md. Rashedul Islam , M. Ali Akbar , Pinakee Dey.
Phytochemical and Physicochemical Analysis of the Invitro Antimicrobial and
Antifungal Activities of Juglans Regia L. Bark (Walnut Bark)
Zehra Ashraf, Anwar Ejaz Beg , Mirza Tasawer Baig, Nudrat Fatima, Tehmina Sohail , Samina Iqbal
Vol 48. No. 12 (2021)
Living Lab” for Sustainability: Embedding the Spirit of Ownership and Proactivity
with Disaster Resilient Supply Chain for Water-Waste-Energy Interrelatednes
Salil K. Sen Tartat, Mokkhamakkul
A Deep Convolution Neural Network-Based SE-ResNext Model for Bangla
Handwritten Basic to Compound Character Recognition
Mohammad Meraj Khan, Mohammad Shorif Uddin, Mohammad Zavid Parvez, Lutfur Nahar,
Jia Uddin
An Analysis of High Frequency and Resistance Pattern in Pseudomonas Aeruginosa
Isolated from Clinical Specimens Obtained from Tertiary Care Hospital
Maria Muddassir, Sadaf Munir,Faiza Sadia, Almas Raza,Syed Shoaib Ahmed,S yed Zeeshan
Haider Naqvi
Characteristics of Working Fluid Flow in Convergent-Divergent Injectors in Vapor
Compression – Steam Jet Refrigeration
Firman Firman, Muhammad Anshar, Amrullah Amrullah
Cyber-Physical System (CPS) Based Heart Disease’s Prediction Model for
Community Clinic Using Machine Learning Classifiers
Fahmida Akter, Mohammod Abul Kashem,Md. Monirul Islam, Mohammad Asaduzzaman
Chowdhury, Md. Rokunojjaman, Jia Uddin
Impact of COVID-19 Lockdown on Socio-economic practices in Pakistan
Sajid Hussain
Evaluation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa Antibiofilm Activity of Chlorogenic AcidProtamine Sulfate Combination Using Ex Vivo Porcine Skin Model
Nisreen Ahmad Dahshan, Suha Mujahed Abudoleh, Ahmad Talhouni, Zahira Alkhani
Factors Affecting Financial Effectiveness: A Case Study of Accounting Service
Enterprises in Vietnam
Dahshan, Suha Mujahed Abudoleh, Ahmad Talhouni, Zahira Alkhani
Vol 47. No. 12 (2020)
A Novel Approach: Effective Compressive Sensing in Power Network Problem Vietnam
Indrarini Dyah Irawati, Sugondo Hadiyoso, Gelar Budiman
An Examination of Pricing Anomalies for Australian Stocks
Rohit Kishore, Shalendra S. Kumar, ShiGuo Xu
Anomalous Electricity Load Events: An Evaluation Based on Mahakam Data
Syalam Ali Wira Dinata,Muhammad Azka, Primadina Hasanah, Suhartono, Moh Danil Hendry Gamal
Digital Information Development in Agriculture Extension in Facing New Normal Era During Covid-19 Pandemics
Leonard Dharmawan, Pudji Muljono, Dwi Retno Hapsari, Bagus Priyo Purwanto
Expressing the Results of the Surface Water Quality Monitoring in Lagoons of the El Padrino Mining Project in Linguistic Categories Using the Grey Clustering Methodology of the Fuzzy Logic System
Alexi Delgado, Katherine Barreto, Victor Dávila, Kevin Rivera, Enrique Lee Huamaní
Intellectual Capital and Productivity: Predicting the Banking Profitability in Indonesia
Hersugondo Hersugondo and Eka Handriani
Vol 46. No. 12 (2019)
Experimental Study and Bond Slip Analysis on Mechanical Properties of Half Grout Sleeve Splicing of Rebars after High Temperature
ZHANG Wangxi, HE Chao,ZHANG Jinyi, DENG Xi, WANG Zhiqiang, YI Weijian
Study on Protection Technology of Concrete Hollow Block Wall Subjected to Combined Effects of Close Blast Shock Waves and Fragments
TIAN Li, WANG Ruochen
Collaborative Optimization Model of Offshore Wind Power and Remote Clean Energy Considering Comprehensive Cost in Power System
NIU Dongxiao
A Design Pattern Detection Method Based on Similarity Scoring
WANG Lei, WANG Wenfa
Social Innovation Labs and Sustainable Development: Exploring a Social Innovation Approach
Sajid Hussain
Vol 45. No. 12 (2018)
Study on Protection Technology of Concrete Hollow Block Wall Subjected to Combined Effects of Close Blast Shock Waves and Fragments
TIAN Li, WANG Ruochen
A Design Pattern Detection Method Based on Similarity Scoring
Performance of Corncob-based Solid Phase Denitrification System: A Column Study
Experimental Study and Bond Slip Analysis on Mechanical Properties of Half Grout Sleeve Splicing of Rebars after High Temperature
ZHANG Wangxi WANG Zhiqiang