Vol: 53 No. 01 (2025)Articles The Problem of Managing Reentrangeable Resources on Network Graphs with Homogeneous Intensity Functions O.A. Kosorukov, D.V. Lemtyuzhnikova, D.A. MaksimovAbstract I PDF Design of an Improvement Process for Enhancing the Professional Performance of Statistical Technicians Lidisbeth Cardoso Camejo, Ph.D., Jairo Panesso Tascón, M.Sc., Javier Echevarría Reyes, Ph.D., Luis Manuel Reyes Cepero, Ph.D.Abstract I PDF Analysis of the family social climate among communities in Colombia, Cuba and PerúWalter Iván Abanto Vélez, Lucia Barranzuela Quinde, Claudia Lorena Polania Reyes, Vanessa Panesso Patiño, Carlos Alberto Chiroque Sullon, Graciela Odar Adrianzen, Vivian Vera VergaraAbstract I PDF Effect of Bone Marrow Aspirate Concentrate on Mixture of Fibrin Glue and Xenograft in Treatment of Critical Sized Periapical Bone Defects (Clinical and Radiographic Study)Ehdaa Salah Hassan, Abdel Aziz Baiomy Abdullah, Mohamed Fouad Edrees, Ahmed Omar AhmedAbstract I PDF Indigenous imaginaries about climate variability and local adaptationVerenice Sánchez-Castillo, Carlos Alberto Gómez-CanoAbstract I PDF Inventory management of products with a limited shelf life in conditions of demand uncertaintyO.A. Kosorukov, O.A. Sviridova, D.A. MaksimovAbstract I PDF